Skip to content reviews

April 10, 2013

Do you need a customized search engine optimization campaign for your business website? When reviews a website, they take into account every possible variable, from platform to age to content to business type to location, to work out where you’re starting from and where you could be with the right sustained optimization strategies.

It all starts with a visual analysis of your website. An experienced SEO account manager will be able to get a strong impression just by looking of what kind of measures you have in place already, as well as the competing strengths and weaknesses of your sight in terms of readability. Without giving too much away, this impression is derived from a combination of clues including how modern the design of the site is, the features it has in common (or not) with successful sites, how fast the site loads, and the distribution of content on the home page of the website.

The next step in the review process is to determine scope of works, and cooperate with other contributors to ensure that the website retains all the integrity and functions it was designed with. There are a number of technical processes which can be carried out without affecting the overall aesthetics of a site; these are the first and most basic processes that are implemented at the start of the campaign, including making sure that content is tagged correctly and that URLs and titles are relevant and correctly laid out. Other aspects of determining the scope, such as planning new content or building the inner pages that are necessary to develop the credibility of the site from a content point of view need to be negotiated on a case by case basis. On that note, there are typical trends from industry to industry; when a web marketing expert reviews a creative services site for SEO purposes, the scope of works is often limited and concentrated compared to, say, a service based business that operates in a number of locations. It’s all about maintaining the integrity of the business’s brand, whilst growing it through higher rankings.

The final step in the process is sorting out time-lines. When SEO services are delivered on a subscription basis, rather than ad hoc isolated tasks, this is especially important. The expert review should also include an estimate of how long it will take to get certain aspects up to standard. This will be easier in some cases than others; if other reviews and redesigns are required, the planning process is further complicated.

In summary, customized campaigns beginning with individual site reviews are more than possible. Don’t settle for a standard package; make sure that, when you’re shopping around for an SEO provider, they take the time to treat your website and your entire on-line presence with the attention to detail you deserve.

From → Web Marketing

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